Use this general form to submit requests for any MedIT service, including all requests for technical support. For select services, such as requesting support for a Zoom webinar, or requesting an eToken, you can also use the more detailed forms that are available. For a list of our services, see our Service Catalog.
Please provide as much detail as possible in the Request Description field regarding the service you are requesting, or the technology you are having a problem with. For example, for a request for hardware support, provide as much detail as possible regarding the type of device, the brand name, the model, and the operating system. For application support, the name of the application and the name and version of the browser or client software you are using to access it are important.
If you are having issues performing a task, and especially if you can reliably replicate the problem or error message, describe the steps you have been taking in as much detail as possible. If the technology was working before but is not now, describe anything that may have changed in the meantime (and how long it’s been since it worked).
If you think an on-site technician visit may be required, or if the problem is affecting two or more people at your location, please provide details about your physical location, including street address (or building name for on-campus buildings) and room number(s).