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Affiliate and Portal-Only UTORid
Requesting for an Affiliate or Portal-Only UTORid
Hospital staff with continuing appointment, who requires UTORid to perform their job, can request an ID depending on type and purpose:
- Affiliate UTORid – get access to LMS (Quercus, Elentra, OASES), Utormail, O365 and has library privileges.
- Portal-Only UTORid – get access to LMS only (Quercus and Elentra).
To request for an Affiliate or Portal-Only UTORid, please contact your UofT Department Business Officer or Program Coordinator. If your are the Business Officer or Program Coordinator, please confirm the identity of the requestor and send an email to MedIT with the requested information below:
UTORid Requestor’s Information
Given Name:
Last Name:
Requestor’s Email Address (an organization/institution email address is required. NOT a generic gmail/hotmail/yahoo, etc.):
Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy):
Current Status (UofT staff, hospital staff, other):
Hospital Department:
Do you require a University of Toronto email address? (yes, no):
If yes, please provide explanation:
Are you requesting this UTORid for use in a Portal/QUERCUS Course and/or Organization? (yes, no):
Expiration Date for UTORid (1 year, but can be extended if needed):
Department Information (UofT Contact for Reference)
UofT Dept Admin or Business Manager Name:
UofT Dept Admin or Business Manager UTORid:
UofT Dept Admin or Business Manager Email:
UofT Dept Admin or Business Manager Phone:
Please provide details as to why you are requesting a UTORid: