Q. When I try to view a video in Elentra, I am not authorized to view it. How can I resolve this?
Q. When I try to view a video in Elentra, I am not authorized to view it. How can I resolve this?
Videos in the MD Program are played from either Stream, which is Microsoft O365's video platform, or from Panopto, the MD Program's new video delivery platform. To get permission to view a video that you think you should be able to access, do the following:
If you are tyring to play a video in a Year 1 or Year 2 course in 2022, go to the home page of the course and click the Course Videos link in the left menu.
If that doesn't work or you are having other playback issues, please send an email to medlectures@utoronto.ca with the following information:
- the course title
- the Elentra page url with the video (it will look something like this: https://meded.utoronto.ca/medicine/events?id=14741)
- your name
- your utoronto email address
- if you are a student, your year of graduation (eg, 2T5)
- if you are a faculty member or tutor, the course you are teaching or tutoring in